My Beautiful Chaos

My Beautiful Chaos

Well, my blog is called The Crazy Life for a reason, so let me let you in on some behind-the-scenes of my life this week so that you can better understand why it is called that!

I will skip the main stuff...which is married, 5 kids, 1 grandbaby, etc.—and let you right into a week in my in, this past week!

First, I did hire a VA to help me get my life together, so that is a great thing. It is my adult daughter, which is even better because no one knows how my creative mind works better than my own family! I have been training her and helping her know the best way to help me moving forward. 

Second, she and her husband, along with my sweet granddaughter, came for a visit this week. That means, combined with finishing our house remodel, preparing everything for company, and training her, I also had to get my regular work done and then try to make my mind stop long enough to actually enjoy the moments while they were here.  (not an easy task for a crazy overachiever whose mind literally never stops!) 

Third, my dad-in-law surprised us with a quick visit while our daughter was here so that he could meet his very first great-grandbaby! We love family and company, so this was just so much fun! We went out to eat and visited Longwood Gardens in Pennsylvania. Such a great week!

But then... on Wednesday, my second youngest started feeling rough, and it continued to get worse. We went from Urgent Care, to his primary Dr the next day to the ER by Saturday. They kept us overnight because of how bad he was. Diagnosed with Mono, Tonsilitis and Strep A...we do nothing small around here...go big or go home! 🤣

So today we are finally home, the house is way too quiet, and I just facetimed with my granddaughter, who is back at her home in Florida😭. I am trying to catch up on work and not get overwhelmed with what lies ahead this week, which is the first week of school for all of my kids, course creation for my business, product creation for MWCO, and so much more, plus taking the time to stop and smell the fall breeze somewhere in there!

So that, in a nutshell, is why the blog is titled as it is. It is really a place for me to share some behind-the-scenes information with you all, as well as new content that I have created. There is really no schedule to it. I write when I can, but don't put pressure on myself to do it because I have enough things on my schedule that require deadlines...this is more for fun!

I love to hear from you guys, so feel free to comment below with questions, ideas...whatever...tell me about you even! 

Thanks for being a part of the journey.



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